Saturday, 3 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I've kind of put off blogging until the New Year, and now that the New Year is here I'm determined to sort out my priorities. So, I've set myself some targets. Firstly, to Blog more. Seems pretty straightforward, but for a month now I've been distracted, now with a new term starting on Monday (with an INSET day no less! My first INSET day as a member of staff! I don't know why it feels exciting or significant, maybe it's because it used to be a day off and now I get to see "what the teachers DO"!) I'm re-energised. I digress.

Secondly, in line with "more blogging", I want to blog a comic strip per week on ScribblePit, and slightly more infrequently perhaps, a Camp related one here. I've been reading a lot of comics recently and it's all making me want to draw more. There's no excuse, and I've wondered why I haven't got around to drawing out the comic I planned while I was in the states, I suppose at the time it was a mechanism for making me feel connected with the UK. It got left by the wayside when I got back though, I may have been a little bit distracted by unemployment. My friends have committed themselves in a very full-on way to their music, which is good for them but good for me too because it sets a kind of bench mark of effort. I'm tired of doing nothing now, I've had a bit of a production break and now I'm itching to make and do.

I'm slightly worried about my commitment to fulfilling all this, but I'm determined. 2009 feels like a good year, I'm quietly confident about it. I have a good job, I'm going back to the States in the summer and I have a cunning plan for keeping my job for the following academic year. Watch this space. As they say.

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