Monday, 20 October 2008

The Bug

Got in touch with a few friends the other day, totally unrelated people, both of whom told me they were going to America next Summer to work at camps. One of them has been to the U.S. before and travelled extensively throughout, the other hasn't been. The added excitement factor of people I know being there while I am is awesome. The one who hasn't been to America before is dead keen on travelling to Alaska and along the West Coast, coincidentally the bit I'd like to visit the most. Plans are beginning to form in my mind. I'd love to see San Francisco. Alaska would be awesome too - this may need some careful planning...

Oh, and one of the English guys from camp is definitely going back next summer. An awesome summer 2009 is simmering away nicely in potential. In other news, the prospects of a job are looking better and better. Fingers crossed.

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